... from Dirt to Delectables ...
Notes from Andy Pollock
Dig out all early sprouting weeds such as quack grass, fire weed, chickweed, etc. Do not pull weeds as this will leave behind pieces of root which will multiply the number you have to deal with at a later date.
Pick up all rocks and other debris larger than a 25 cent piece.
Till with a gas or electric tiller, fork or shovel. A fork is best when you have quack grass or fireweed as it does not chop roots into small pieces. A shovel is my second choice. Unfortunately, tillers are the most practical as they will do larger gardens in a much shorter time. However they will create a much larger quantity of small pieces of (weed) roots to deal with later.
[We will discuss various types of roto-tillers in a later section]
Once your garden plot is tilled, rake the seed bed and pick up debris which has been exposed by digging or tilling.
You are now ready to start planting.
Canadian Alphabetical Seed & Garden Supplier List (we do our best to keep this list current - however for a variety of reasons we cannot guarantee that it always is.
U.S. Alphabetical Seed & Garden Supplier List (we do our best to keep this list current - however for a variety of reasons we cannot guarantee that it always is.